American Tribal Style® Sister Studios in NE Kansas:

My Dance Teachers:

Costume Resources:

Music Resources:

Music used for FatChanceBellyDance style may be fast or slow as the vocabulary incoporates both.  Rhythms for fast numbers should be in 4/4 or 2/4 time to match the movements.  Slow numbers can be in other rhythms as the movements don’t have a regular count and can be performed as dramatically as called for by the music. The music used has roots North Africa, Turkey, Egypt, India, and Middle Eastern countries. Techno, electronica, and other western music can be exciting to use, but care must be taken that the integrity of the style is not overshadowed.

Some of my favorite musicians and songs include:

I hope these links help you, but DO NOT hesitate to ask if you’re looking for something in specific.  Enjoy…



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