Holy Land & Rome Pilgrimage Offered
Have you ever thought about walking where Jesus walked? Or wanted to see sites in Vatican City? Join Our Lady of Guadalupe parish of Topeka with Father Jesus Rene Perez as Spiritual Director in making a Spanish language pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome October 13-24, 2019. What is a trip like this worth? Everything!
A brief schedule:
October 13: Arrive Chicago for flight to Tel Aviv
October 14: Arrive Madrid for connection to Nazareth
October 15: Church of the Annunciation for mass. Visit Church of St. Joseph, travel to Cana where a renewal of marriage vows can be made.
October 16: Travel to Mt. Tabor, continuing to site of the Beatitudes & Capernaum, Church of St. Peter for mass; Tabgha (site of multiplication of fish/loaves), Sea of Galilee.
October 17: River Jordan (where baptismal vows may be renewed), Jerico, Dead Sea, Judean desert for personal prayer, Betania (place of Lazarus’ resurrection) for mass.
October 18: Mt. of Olives, Dominus Flevit, Gethsemane (place of betrayal), Cenacle, more.
October 19: Basilica of the Nativity for mass, Chapel of the Milk Grotto, Ein Karem; free time; Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Holy Wall.
October 20: Travel to Rome
October 21: various basilicas, free afternoon
October 22: Vatican City locations
October 23: Plaza of St. Peter to participate general audience with Pope Francis.
October 24: Return to Chicago
Total trip cost is $3,595 if 30 or more attend. Cost is $3,986 for 20-29 travelers. Trip will be cancelled if less than 20 sign up. Price includes hotels and meals but does not include travel costs to/from Chicago or spending money.
1/2 costs due August 15; total costs due September 13. Travel and tours arranged by Holy Travel Tours. The Kansas contact is Maricruz Carmona. Please contact her by phoning (913) 208-0455 for details. She is Spanish/English bilingual.

I hope you can make this trip!